Neither the sending of an e-mail to an individual at Moyle Law Firm, P.A. ("the Firm") nor the Firm's receipt of any such e-mail creates an attorney-client relationship with the Firm. The purpose of the Firm's website is to provide general information about the Firm, and such information is not intended to be legal advice, nor should you consider it as such. Please be aware that anything you send to anyone at the Firm will not be confidential, secret, privileged, or otherwise protected from disclosure until and unless a conflicts check has been successfully completed by the Firm and the Firm has formally agreed to represent you in writing for a particular matter. Unless the Firm has created an attorney-client relationship in writing for a particular matter, please understand that no information provided in an e-mail that you send to anyone at the Firm will prevent the Firm from representing a different client in the same matter. Please be aware that the Firm may use such information that you provide to the Firm in the representation of another client on the same matter. Consequently, please do not send confidential or sensitive information and/or documents to anyone at the Firm until you have been notified in writing that a formal attorney-client relationship has been established. By sending this e-mail, you confirm that you have read and understand this notice.